Subtle Discrepancies Between the Lower Extremities May Cause Back Pain

The human body is a pretty symmetrical structure. This is even truer in regards to the musculoskeletal system. The right leg usually equals the left leg in length, and they both try to keep the pelvis nicely squared and parallel to the ground. This maintenance of symmetry is important for efficient function of the spine… Continue Reading Subtle Discrepancies Between the Lower Extremities May Cause Back Pain

What to Know Before, During and After your X-Rays, Scans and Tests

Sometimes scheduling an x-ray, MRI, discogram, bone density test, CAT Scan, or PET scan can be very nerve-wracking as a patient may not know what to expect. To help ease your mind, our radiographer has put together a diagram of why your doctor may have ordered a particular test, how to prepare and what to… Continue Reading What to Know Before, During and After your X-Rays, Scans and Tests

A New Year, A New You and How Physical Therapy Can Help

It’s that time of year again! People are making their New Year’s resolutions and pondering different ways they can improve their quality of life for the coming year. At some point, we all might’ve thought, “I’m going to get healthy this year, eat right, and start exercising!” That’s an excellent goal, but I’d like you… Continue Reading A New Year, A New You and How Physical Therapy Can Help