The Importance of Cross-Training and Core Weakness for Runners

Running has become very popular in recent years. Marathons in particular are growing in popularity. A marathon by definition is a 26.2 mile road race. Races like the Chicago and New York Marathons host between 45 and 50,000 runners on an annual basis. It has become increasingly difficult to gain entrance into some of the… Continue Reading The Importance of Cross-Training and Core Weakness for Runners

Is Your Body Ready to Deal With the Joys of Snow Removal?

The winter season is already upon us. While we look forward to the holiday festivities that accompany the early winter months, some may not be looking forward to the hard work required to remove snow from our driveways and walkways. It is well known that shoveling snow can lead to acute low back pain (LBP),… Continue Reading Is Your Body Ready to Deal With the Joys of Snow Removal?

Relative Rest and Low Back Pain

I am often asked if individuals should rest their back or work through their pain. In general, relative rest has been recommended for individuals with new onset, or “acute” low back pain (LBP). What is relative rest? Basically, patients with an acute episode of LBP should avoid activities that aggravate their condition. If you were… Continue Reading Relative Rest and Low Back Pain