Stimulating Exercise for the Lateral Flexors of the Spine

The lateral flexors of the spine move the spine laterally (i.e. to the side), and need to be strong to work in conjunction with our spinal flexors, extensors and rotators so that we may move safely, freely and functionally. This lateral flexion exercise focuses upon flexing the spine from the base of the rib cage… Continue Reading Stimulating Exercise for the Lateral Flexors of the Spine

Love Your Back! — Top 6 Yoga Stretches to Relieve Back Pain

Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion to show your love and admiration for your significant other, but it’s also a great time to show yourself a little love with some well-deserved back pain relief. Many people simply choose to live with chronic back pain rather than treat it; however, there are many different ways to… Continue Reading Love Your Back! — Top 6 Yoga Stretches to Relieve Back Pain