Trigger Points

A trigger point is a sensitive or irritable spot in the body that can be a main or associated source of pain when muscle fails to relax. It is a small area in a muscle, which when pressed or touched causes pain in other parts of the body. These tender points usually feel like knots or ropy bands, and can be felt under the skin and may twitch involuntarily when touched (called a jump sign). Continue Reading Trigger Points

Spine Pain Most Common Cause of Evacuation for Modern Veterans

Andrew Bouwma worried he wouldn’t be able to pick up his 3-year-old daughter and newborn son. His back was killing him. An Army infantryman who served a tour in Iraq, Bouwma wore an extra 50 to 60 pounds every day on foot patrols. Clad in helmet and body armor weighted down with a medical kit… Continue Reading Spine Pain Most Common Cause of Evacuation for Modern Veterans