Stimulating Exercise for the Lateral Flexors of the Spine

The lateral flexors of the spine move the spine laterally (i.e. to the side), and need to be strong to work in conjunction with our spinal flexors, extensors and rotators so that we may move safely, freely and functionally. This lateral flexion exercise focuses upon flexing the spine from the base of the rib cage… Continue Reading Stimulating Exercise for the Lateral Flexors of the Spine

Top 8 Trends in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Minimally invasive spine surgery has been available for several years, but the trend has just begun picking up steam across the country. Many surgeons who learned traditional open surgery are content with those procedures, but more spine fellows are seeking to learn minimally invasive techniques and will begin incorporating them into their practices at a… Continue Reading Top 8 Trends in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

Top 4 Foods that Fight Back Pain

The American diet is associated with increasing obesity, heart disease, and stroke. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the American Heart Association have made recommendations for altering what we eat. The most recent recommendations have simplified the information to encourage adoption of a diet that would decrease weight,… Continue Reading Top 4 Foods that Fight Back Pain